Профиль пользователя: Daria Nuage SorokinaОбо мне: RECIPROCAL INVITATION TO THE DANCE.THE INDIFFERENT.COME to the dance with me, come with me, fair one!Dances a feast-day like this may well crown.If thou my sweetheart art not, thou canst be so,But if thou wilt not, we still will dance on.Come to the dance with me, come with me, fair one!Dances a feast-day like this may well crown.THE TENDER.Loved one, without thee, what then would all feast be?Sweet one, without thee, what then were the dance?If thou my sweetheart wert not, I would dance not.If thou art still so, all life is one feast.Loved one, without thee, what then would all feasts be?Sweet one, without thee, what then were the dance?THE INDIFFERENT.Let them but love, then, and leave us the dancing!Languishing love cannot bear the glad dance.Let us whirl round in the waltz's gay measure,And let them steal to the dim-lighted wood.Let them but love, then, and leave us the dancing!Languishing love cannot bear the glad dance.THE TENDER.Let them whirl round, then, and leave us to wander!Wand'ring to love is a heavenly dance.Cupid, the near one, o'erhears their deriding,Vengeance takes suddenly, vengeance takes soon.Let them whirl round, then, and leave us to wander!Wand'ring to love is a heavenly dance.1789. Дата рождения: 1971-09-12 Город: Щёлково Телефон для связи: +79246640861 Дата регистрации: 2009-10-17 в 22:55 Бизнес идеи пользователя Daria Nuage SorokinaВидеоглазок с монитором, установка видеоглазков.Уход за ногтями. Домашний уход за ногтями. Список файлов пользователя Daria Nuage SorokinaВопросы пользователя Daria Nuage Sorokina |
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